Scott Hassett
Scott Hassett is the Democratic challenger for the Attorney General seat. Hassett was a trial attorney for 22 years and was chosen to lead the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources in 2003. His main message is:
"It's time for a change in the Attorney General's office. People all around Wisconsin have urged me to run for Attorney General. They know we need an AG who doesn't politicize that office, who will help keep our communities safe, who will fight polluters and stand up for consumers."
Hassett has been quoted saying that Van Hollen knew about the Kratz sexting scandal. Essentially, Kratz is the Calumet County district attorney, and he sent some 30 sexually suggestive texts to a domestic abuse victim whose case he was prosecuting. If you don't know what that whole thing is about, check out these links:
According to Hassett, Van Hollen knew about the whole thing and did nothing. According, Hassett's accusations are false. They say that Van Hollen did pressure Kratz to turn himself in. But, honestly, that is all he did. He did not turn him in to the Governor, who has the power to remove district attorney's from office, he did not even really pursue a case against him. The Department of Justice had the case open for a few days, then closed it without even interviewing Kratz. I'm with Hassett on this one. Van Hollen should have done a lot more. Our attorney general should have the public's best interest in mind, and if a victim of abuse is scared to go to the police because her prosecutor is harassing her, and then the Department of Justice does nothing, then I think our Attorney General is NOT doing his job.
If you want to check out the argument yourself, here is the link:
And, if you want to check out Hassett's website, click here:
See you soon
You make a good point against Van Hollen. I wonder what affect being almost an accessory to sexual abuse will have on Van Hollen's otherwise positive media portrayal.