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Promises Made, Promises Kept
Readers of J.B.'s Journal know about his long list of accomplishments of bringing sex predators to justice, defending our constitution, cracking down on criminal illegal immigrants, and delivering on his promise to eliminate the backlog of DNA evidence at the State Crime Lab.

J.B. did what he told voters he would do four years ago and exceeded expectations.

That is why he has the support of 90% of Wisconsin Sheriffs and has received strong endorsements from: Wisconsin State JournalBeloit Daily NewsSheboygan Press,Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Janesville Gazette, Chippewa HeraldSun Prairie Star, and law enforcement groups across Wisconsin.

Click here to view J.B.'s unmatched list of broad bipartisan endorsements.

Non-Partisan Group Calls Hassett's Attacks "False"

J.B.'s opponent Scott Hassett wants to hide from the fact that he has never prosecuted a single criminal in his career, not one...And even let his law license lapse.

That is why Hassett has resorted to attacks that the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's non-partisan PolitiFact called "FALSE."   With blatantly false attacks and politics as usual from Hassett it is no wonder why more Sheriffs and District Attorneys from his own party have endorsed J.B.
24-Hours to Make a Difference

Just four years ago the Department of Justice was used as a liberal battering ram to push an activist agenda that hurt Wisconsin families and businesses.  Now the same liberal Madison special interest groups that sought to defeat J.B. in 2006 are funding his opponent's campaign.

We can't let them turn back the clock and J.B. needs your help in the next 24-hours to stop their warped vision for the Department of Justice.  Please help J.B. by sending in your urgent donation of $25, $50, $100 or whatever you can afford.

We need J.B. to finish the job on important issues like joining the multi-state lawsuit to stop ObamaCare, defending our 2nd Amendment Rights, and opposing Madison liberals' attempts to thwart our constitution.

The polls will close in just 24-hours and your immediate support is crucial to ensuring J.B.'s victory.  Click here to send your donation of $25, $50, $100 or whatever you can afford at this vital time.