Van Hollen Webletter 10/28

Fraternal Order of Police Endorse Van Hollen 
The Wisconsin Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) has endorsed JB Van Hollen for Attorney General. The FOP joins what is regarded as an unprecedented group of law enforcement endorsements for an attorney general candidate.

FOP President, Don Kapla, said, "As Attorney General, we believe you have consistently shown that Law Enforcement Officers are among your top priorities. You have demonstrated this commitment through your support of legislation that is important to us, as well as your creation of a more collaborative effort between State and local agencies."

The FOP is one of many law enforcement associations and unions that have endorsed VanHollen:

-64 sheriffs (Democrats and Republicans)
-50 district attorneys (Democrats and Republicans)
-The Wisconsin Professional Police Association
-The Milwaukee Police Association
-The Milwaukee Police Supervisors Organization
-The Wisconsin Sheriffs and Deputy Sheriffs Association
-The Wisconsin State Lodge Fraternal Order of Police
-The National Association of Police Organization
-The International Union of Police Associations
-The Wisconsin Troopers Association

FACT: More Democrat law enforcement officials have endorsed Van Hollen than his Democrat opponent Scott Hassett.

Hassett's $30 Million Failure: Passing the "Buck"

 J.B.'s opponent likes to spin to anyone who will listen that he was a top notch manager at the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). But when it came to the DNR's most pressing issue under his tenure, Hassett failed miserably and stuck taxpayers with a $30 million bill in the process:

"Landowners and hunters were angry with the DNR's plan to kill every deer in disease zones, and a 2006 state audit found the herd was growing in those zones despite the DNR's $30 million effort. Hassett blamed the mess on his predecessors, saying they were overzealous." Associated Press - October 24, 2010 
This is classic Scott Hassett...passing the buck for his failure as DNR Secretary and the fact that Hassett wasted $30 million of taxpayer money.

Hassett's Record: Blame Others

Does Scott Hassett's blaming of other people for his failures as DNR Secretary sound familiar? It should.

By now we all know that Scott Hassett hasn't been able to practice law in five of the last six years - yet he wants to be the state's top law enforcement official. Bizarrely, Hassett even says the Attorney General - head of the DOJ and Wisconsin's law firm - need not be an attorney. Whew.

Hassett does not possess the required credits to practice law in Wisconsin, but a governmental body bailed him out with a special favor.

So, whose fault was it that Hassett didn't even know about his very own credit status? Not Hassett's, of course.

"Hassett spokesman Justin Williams said Hassett wasn't told about a change in state rules last year that increased the number of continuing education credits required for attorneys seeking to return to active practice." Milwaukee Journal Sentinel - September 17, 2010 
Do you see a pattern forming here?
Join Team Van Hollen
There are just a few days until election day and J.B. needs your help!

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