Monday, November 1, 2010


Well, along with the general theme of this race, there are really no polls to speak of for the Attorney General race. None. Zero, zip, nada. The only thing I could find was a projection that it would be likely Republican by They say that while Hassett has been criticizing Van Hollen for his inaction in the Kratz sexting scandal. The problem is, no one can really figure out what Van Hollen's involvement was, and the conversation around the whole this very murky. says that his criticism is falling on mostly deaf ears, and that it doesn't seem to be lowering public opinion of Van Hollen, making them thing that the republican will hold on to his seat. If there was more media on the race, we could actually see if this was true, but there is so much media surrounding the Senate and Governors races, no one seems to have time for the Attorney General. My prediction, most people will vote straight Democratic or straight Republican tickets. I think whatever party wins the Senate, is most likely going to win Attorney General.

To check out what has to say yourself, check out this link. (You need to scroll down to see the Wisconsin Attorney General race)

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