Van Hollen Web Letter 10/19/10

Law Enforcement's Choice vs Zero Prosecution Experience
In J.B.'s new television ad he contrasts his career of locking up criminals and support from 90% of Wisconsin's Sheriffs with his opponent who has never prosecuted a single criminal. Not one. Ever.

You can click here to watch the ad on our website.

Click here to help us keep the ad on the air by making a secure online donation

Former ACORN Worker Pleads Guilty to Election Fraud
J.B. continues to produce results on election fraud. Thanks to the charges filed by the Election Fraud Task Force, a guilty plea was secured from a former ACORN worker this past week. Since J.B. helped launch the Election Fraud Task Force in Milwaukee, he has expanded it statewide to 11 new counties and issued over 17 election fraud charges.

Click here to read the MacIver Institute's story which highlights progress on this case and many others.

Wisconsin State Journal: J.B. Best for AG

Isn't it refreshing when elected officials do what they actually say? The Wisconsin State Journal must think so - they endorsed J.B. because he "has done the big things he promised to do four years ago" when he first ran for AG.

Along with the praising J.B. for eliminating the Crime Lab backlog, they cited his support for open records and strong law enforcement endorsements from Democrats & Republicans.  Click here to read the Wisconsin State Journal's endorsement.

Join Team Van Hollen
There is two weeks until election day and J.B. needs your help!

To find out more information about how you can help out J.B., log on to the homepage of Our Campaign Action Center will allow you to e-mail your friends about J.B., write letters to the editorattend J.B.'s next eventsigning up to volunteer, and much more.

You can also help J.B. get out his message of fighting crime and restoring integrity by clicking here to make a secure online donation of $25, $50, $100, or whatever you can here to watch the ad on our website.